Everlasting blossom

Price: 6.35 €
Q: 50 gr

Everlasting blossom (Helichrysum arenarium)


Pharmaceutical form: powdery blossom

Formulation: Sandy Everlasting blossom

Characteristics: Sandy Everlasting blossom contains flavonoids, tanning substances, ethereal oil, organic acids, carotenoids, polysaccharides, macro- and microelements and other bioactive substances.

Description: powdery material: spherical solitary fine calathidia, sometimes 2-3 ones together, a separate floral disc and the parts of involucre leaves, separate involucre leaves and tubular flowers, parts of stems and peduncles, fruits, which have passed through the sieve with the mesh size 7mm. The colour is lemon yellow with orange, grayish brown, greenish grey, sometimes with dark brownish inclusions. The smell is weak, aromatic. The taste of water extract is spiced bitter.

Pharmacotherapeutic group: phytogenic choleretic

Pharmacological properties: Sandy Everlasting blossom infusion possesses choleretic action.

Indications for use: Within the complex therapy at chronic non-calculous cholecystitis and hepatitis, biliary dyskinesia, change of the bile composition with the risk of choledocholithiasis progression.

Contradictions: Hypersensitivity to the drug, gastroduodenal ulcer, acute gastritis, acute pancreatitis, choledocholithiasis, pregnancy, lactation period, pediatric use up to the age of 12 years.

Posology and method of administration: 10 g (3 tablespoons) Sandy Everlasting blossom is placed into glass or enameled ware, poured with 200 ml (1 glass) of hot boiled water, covered and infused 15 minutes on boiling water bath, cooled 45 minutes at indoor temperature filtered through the double layer of gauze. The remaining product is squeezed out. The volume of the obtained extract is diluted with the boiled water up to 200 ml. The extract is administered warm 1/3 of the glass 30 minutes before meal, TID. The course of treatment is 20-25 days. The infusion must be shaken before administration.

Adverse effects: Allergic reactions are possible.

Storage conditions: The product should be kept in a dry dark place. Prepared infusion should be kept in a cool place no more than 2 days. Keep out of reach of children.

Period of validity: 4 years. Do not use after the date of expiry indicated on the label.

Weight 50 g. Register number P N001338/02

The production has passed radiation safety test.